How to Prevent Wasps From Returning to Your House

Wespe_0Bees and wasps are important components of our ecosystem, however, these uninvited guests can cause havoc in your home in addition to being a nuisance. When summer sets in, wasp and bee invasion is even worse as they are more aggressive during this time. When such an invasion happens, you can decide to call a professional wasp removal service to get rid of them or you can do it yourself. Following are some DIY tips and tricks to keep bees and wasps away from your home;

Installing a fake wasp nest

A fake wasp nest and bee repellent is a visual deterrent designed in a way to look as if there is already another wasp colony in the area. These insects tend to forage away from existing colonies so when they see the nests they will leave your home alone and move over to other areas.

Nest removal

Nest removal should be done by a trained pest exterminator while using proper equipment. Wasp and bee stings are dangerous more so to those people who suffer from allergies. Carefully look all over your home since these nests are sometimes hidden and difficult to find.

Remove food and cover your trash bins

Remove everything that might attract these insects in your home. Generally, they are attracted to protein foods; so, remove your remnant picnic food, bird and pet food as well as nectar. Put them in trash bins and seal them. Also, manage other sweet things such as lotions and sweet perfumes in your home as they can as well attract wasps in your home.

Close entry points

Daily sightings of wasps inside your home could be a sign that they have made nests inside your house. Check out your whole house to identify possible entry points and seal them. Look out for torn screens, cracks around your windows and doors, unsealed vents and open dampers. Follow a wasp’s flight which might lead you to its entry point and once you find it seal it.

Use traps

A simple wasp and bee trap can be acquired from a garden store in your area. You can also make one easily. To make a home-made one, you only need a 2-liter bottle, a sweet liquid and a masking tape. Cut a third of the bottle from the top and flip it over. Cover the bottom of the bottle with the top portion (use a masking tape to tighten them) that you cut off to create a small channel through the small bottle opening. Pour the sweet liquid to cover about an inch of the bottle and then place it in an area frequented by these stinging insects.